Lost Princess Kingdom Of Cymmera Trilogy Book 2 edition by DaniLyn Alexander Paranormal Romance eBooks

Lost Princess Kingdom Of Cymmera Trilogy Book 2 edition by DaniLyn Alexander Paranormal Romance eBooks
Sometimes its nice as an adult to let your imagination out for a stroll. We did it as children all the time but then we grow up and we forget how wonderful that can be. This book was a nice reminder.
Tags : Lost Princess (Kingdom Of Cymmera Trilogy Book 2) - Kindle edition by Dani-Lyn Alexander. Paranormal Romance Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.,ebook,Dani-Lyn Alexander,Lost Princess (Kingdom Of Cymmera Trilogy Book 2),Lyrical Press
Lost Princess Kingdom Of Cymmera Trilogy Book 2 edition by DaniLyn Alexander Paranormal Romance eBooks Reviews
I really want to give this book a higher rating because after about half way thru or so, the story got really good. But the thing that just can't let me give it more stars was Ryleigh. She was so aggravating for so much of the story. I understand her reasons for most of her decisions, I really do. But that doesn't mean that it didn't tick me off. I just felt like she was being such a spoiled, selfish brat. And it was mostly Jackson that suffered for it. Even when she took charge of things, she was constantly whining about it and wanting Jackson back mostly so that she could put it all on him and run away to go back to the human realm.
I felt really bad for Jackson many times here. He wasn't exactly ready to rule the kingdom and without Ryleigh by his side he's distracted and unable to do what is all required of him. I did like seeing when his temper got the best of him though. It just made him seem that much more realistic.
Mia undoubtedly has gotten stronger. But even so it really seems like Ryleigh can't stop treating her like a child. Which, if I were Mia, would kind of bug me. Isn't she, like, 16 now? Sometimes it seemed more like she was 10 with the way she was treated.
Ryleigh and Mia have been staying in the human realm and Ryleigh seems content to stay there for as long as she can/wants. While all Jackson can think about is her and how he needs her by his side. When something happens where she's staying, she has no choice but to go back to Cymmera with him though. Things are not peaceful there for long. When something goes missing from Ryleigh's rooms and she's sent to retrieve it on her own, everything falls into place for the bad guys. Ryleigh is ill prepared for what happens to her, but she eventually finds a companion that was pretty freakin' cool. While she was missing, Jackson was trying to decide what's most important for him to do. And in doing so could have easily lost everything. Things go from bad to worse for him, but it also leads to him finally acknowledging what was given to him by his father to make him the best king he could be. Things most definitely seem hopeless to him at a point, but Ryleigh has finally decided to step into her role as queen and take charge to rescue him and Mia who was also taken. It's hard for her to ignore all the things clearly marking her as their queen when they all seem to fall into place. And I was thrilled that by the end she finally accepts this and decides to stay there with Jackson.
It was painfully obvious to the reader who the traitor was, so it was frustrating when nobody realized it. Especially when Jackson even would have suspicious thoughts just to easily dismiss them. But at the same time, it's easy to see how those close could be so blind to it.
Jackson does something incredibly stupid at the very end that I don't quite get why it was in the story. There was no way at all that it could have gone well for him and, to me, it didn't really add anything to the story. Especially when it could have gone so wrong. But we do know where the story is going to be leading and I am looking forward to getting more.
*** I would like to thank Netgalley, Kensington Books and the author Dani-Lyn Alexander for sending me this digital copy of Lost Princess in exchange for an honest review***
Lost Princess starts off right where Reluctant Prince ended, maybe a bit of time went by, about a week or two. It seemed like Ryleigh and Mia where going to be living a normal human life but right away they were sucked back into the Cymmera Kingdom's drama.
Ryleigh is still trying to protect her sister Mia. So she does anything to keep her safe, like taking her to the human realm or to the Cymmera Kingdom if it's safer there. She moves Mia around a couple of times. And she still treats Mia like a baby. Just the way she talks to her, it's like Mia's the most fragile, poor, innocent 14 year old girl you'll see, everyone treats her like that. But than Ry calls Mia strong and brave when Mia talks back to her, I'm just like, ooookkkaayy. I think Ry is brave but she still has a lot to learn about the Cymmera Kingdom. She has to learn how to fight and how to protect the people. Right away she's put on a dragon and rushed off to a kingdom she still doesn’t really know, to find something, without asking questions or anything. It's like where were you going girl? Is like saying "here's the keys to this car, now drive". To where? And of course she gets kidnapped. That’s what happens. I do like Ry cus she does seem like every teenage girl who wouldn’t know what to do in a situation like this. It's more realistic what she's feeling than if she just out of no where knew how to fight and knew her way around the kingdom. She's still learning and trying to prove herself to others, little by little.
Jackson is also trying to prove that he can be a good king to Cymmera. But in the beginning he wasn’t really doing much. He was mostly checking on Ry to see if she was okay. So I can see why his people didn’t really take him seriously. There was a second when he went and did whatever he wanted to do, he wasn't going to listen to Ry, and whatever she had to say. I don't know how I felt about that. I was like "you ass" but in the same time I was also like "you got to do what you got to do for your kingdom". It seems like ever since he met Ry, Jack has forgotten his duties or put them aside cus he was so distracted by Ry. But you do see his warrior side, you kind of forget that he trained to kill humans and Savages because he seems so nice but once he gets ready to fight, it comes back to you. I think he is the better choice to lead Cymmera. Chayce just wants to fight, and the others, we don’t really know much about.
I don’t know what to really think about Elijah. I liked him in Reluctant Prince, he seemed like a nice trustworthy guy. But in this book there's moments where he would turn his back on Ry, or he would look suspicious, even Jack and Ry thought so. Dakota was also one of the suspects, also Chayce was to.
I wasn't sure but it looks like everything in this book happened in one day, they never fell asleep, or took a break. It seemed like there was always something happening. The time there is different than in the human realm, it’s a bit confusing.
This book was filled with suspicious looking characters. You couldn’t really trust anyone. It seems like everyone was a traitor. But to me it was very obvious who the traitor was, it was kind of in your face and hard to miss, it was the others I didn’t know about. So anyone could be the one to betray Jack and Ry. There was also a lot of people being kidnapped or held captive. Many characters were.
Overall I did enjoy reading Lost Princess. It was a short read. It has Fantasy, a touch of PG teen Romance, there's violence though, a lot of it. It was a bit since I've read the first book, so it was nice getting back into this world. I hope that there are no more betrayals in the next book, cus that would suck, especially because they've known each other for hundreds of years, it would be hurtful and sad for the characters.
I received a copy of this book in return for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
First, an overall review. I totally enjoyed this book. It was easy to become attached to the characters. I genuinely cared about Ryleigh and Jackson and what was going to happen with them. Through most of the book, you were guessing about who the traitor might be. Don't worry, no spoilers from this reviewer but it is revealed in this book. What I didn't know is that this is book two in a series. However, this was still a really great stand alone novel. I didn't feel like I had no idea who the characters were. It probably would have given me more background if I had read book one first, but I didn't feel behind by any means!
The characters in this book were great. I felt like I could cozy up in the castle and hang out with them. They were very relate-able and easy to understand. You could see why they were making the decisions they were. Not sure if I might be the only one, but sometimes I like to imagine what choices I would make if I were there. Most of the time, the things that Ryleigh choose would have been my choice as well.
Not sure there was much I didn't like about this book. I would totally be open to reading books one and three (when it's released). I love the mix of magic and the realism of the relationships between the characters.
Awesome book! I want more sequels.
I really loved this world and I'm antsy to continue on. I'm ready for book 3!
Sometimes its nice as an adult to let your imagination out for a stroll. We did it as children all the time but then we grow up and we forget how wonderful that can be. This book was a nice reminder.

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